Monday 17 April 2017

A lovely week in Houten, Netherlands

On the way again.  On this trip we called in to see Aaron and Kylie, Mia, Abi and Raphy in the Netherlands before heading down to the Cote d'Azur, where we will meet up with Andreena and John, from Adelaide, Australia, Lindsay, Trudy, Mike and Di, from Wanganui, New Zealand and Jenny, who is currently working in the UK, but who is also from New Zealand.  And we will have a big celebration for a special birthday, Andreena's 60th.  

A perfect crossing on the ferry from Dover to Calais.  Blue skies and a calm sea, plus the added excitement of seeing about fifty hot air balloons accompanying us across the channel for a short time.  A majestic sight.
Our progress on the motorway from Calais to Utrecht was very slow, with seemingly a bumper to bumper line of trucks in the outside lane.  It was a very tedious trip.

But once at the camping ground, De Vliert, we quickly set the caravan up, and drove to Aaron and Kylie's house in Houten.  It was lovely to see the family again, and we spent time exchanging gifts; a few souvenirs for them from our trip, and from the family a wonderful group of ceramic models of Dutch houses for our bathroom.

We also gave Mia the rest of her birthday present, a light box which was too heavy to post.
Spring in the Netherlands is slightly behind the UK, so we experienced early spring again, with daffodils and early blossom on the trees.

I went for a walk with Abi and Raphy.  The underwater growth in the canals was particularly spectacular.
One beautiful white swan on the small lake.  I should say, a beautiful but very aggressive white swan.  I wonder if its eggs were close by.
Abi having a rest after roller blading, on the cycle paths.
A sunny spot to rest, for Abi, and a climb up to the top, for Raphy.
So peaceful, and still.
White blossom.  Not good for hay fever sufferers though.
Another peaceful scene.
Abi roller blading through the woods.
More reflections in the bright sunshine
And a trip would not be the same without a new dog.  Lucy, the dog, who lives in the house next to Aaron and Kylie.  The children love taking Lucy for a walk, and of course she loves it too.
The photos above were taken on the Saturday, which was a lovely sunny day.  However Sunday was even better, weather wise, and after lunch in the caravan, we spent the afternoon at the Nieuwe Bos, where Abi and Raphy had a lovely time in the playground and at the obstacle course.
After Sunday, the weather went downhill, and most of the next week was showery and very cold.  A bitter wind too.  So it was back to winter again.

Walter and I did manage a day in Utrecht, in order to spend some money and generally have a look around.

I even managed to get a photo of a straight Dom rather than a leaning Dom.
And we saw the nearly completed shopping centre at the Utrecht railway station.  Very impressive.
The view of the woods from Aaron and Kylie's windows.  Please excuse the messy photograph, reflection from the glass, I think.  It was too cold to open the door.
Mia made these very interesting rabbit ears for the chocolates.  Mia's contribution to the class party.  I can imagine they were quite a hit.  A very creative girl.
It was a very busy Easter holiday, and added to the festivities was Walter's birthday on the Sunday.  We celebrated it by going out to dinner at a local restaurant/pub which was once the farm house before Houten was developed into a town.  Most of us ordered pork spare ribs, which were absolutely delicious, although loaded in sugar I think.  Walter ordered his favourite, a pork schnitzel.

We stopped for a photo opportunity on the way home.  Abi was not with us, as she had a birthday party to attend, a swimming disco party.  An interesting concept.
Mia, Abi and Raphy organised an Easter lunch on the Sunday.  The table was set out very elaborately.  A very festive occasion.
Then we all went into the woods for an Easter egg hunt.  All very exciting.  
Last night we said our reluctant goodbyes and today we hitched up the caravan and headed south, on reasonably quiet roads, and very few trucks.  I think they were banned from driving on the roads on the Monday too.  In Europe most trucks are not allowed on the roads on Sundays.

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