Friday 2 February 2018


That was quick.   Sold!   The first person that viewed the house, bought it, for £2,000 less than the asking price. We are still reeling with shock.

On the day the person viewed the house, we had brilliant sunshine, so everything around looked absolutely beautiful.   The mole hills even looked appealing.  The sun shining through the large windows did show up my very poor window cleaning, but obviously that did not distract the potential buyer.    The person has since been back with different members of the family, and we have met them all.

Of course it will take ages to finalise the sale, which is more often the case here.   And it can all go pear shaped as nothing is definite until the contract has been signed, which is just before the buyer takes possession of the house.   There is a very short chain, with our buyer downsizing and purchasing our house outright.   The mortgages and surveys have been approved for that house and the first house in the chain, which has a first time buyer.    But still one never knows.
In the meantime we are sitting in a perfectly clean and tidy house.   No clutter in sight.    And fresh flowers in the vase.

The clean cloth for wiping up spills in the kitchen is still being placed neatly over the screw that Walter put in the kitchen sink.   The screw that Walter put in to stop the sink from moving and putting pressure on the waste pipe.   The screw that does not fit properly. 

One must be always prepared, still. 

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