Sunday 12 June 2011

How to not to win friends and influence people.

Donna, has a new friend and is trying to impress him. And she was doing well until a week ago when she lost his front door key in the most bizarre circumstances.
Her friend went off to work on a Sunday morning, leaving Donna with his front door key. She decided to go for a run, as you do when you have time to spare. As she was running along, she tried to change the song on her ipod and the key flew out of her hand, bounced on the pavement and went down the grate of a storm water drain. Talk about bad luck! She then lay down on the pavement and tried to retrieve the key with her hand, which of course was unsuccessful because the grill bars were too close together. The traffic meanwhile whizzed past her and she got some very strange looks from the occupants of the cars as you can imagine.
Then it started to rain so she went to Tesco's supermarket, which was the only warm place around, and spent the next hour wandering up and down the aisles looking like she was interested in the items on sale. She had no money and was dressed in running gear of course.
Finally, she managed to contact her friend who told her how she could get back into the house in a most interesting way (secret).
It was the only key to the house and yes he is still talking to Donna.
Donna, luckily, still can laugh about the experience!

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