Tuesday 20 March 2018

Anxiety Overload

I have been spending too much time thinking and worrying about matters which could affect how much money we can send to Australia after we sell the house.   The uncertainty of the pound, which fluctuates in value depending on the current political situation in the UK, means we could effectively lose a few thousand dollars, or pounds, depending on which way one looks at it.

I also care about the United Kingdom, even though we are hopefully leaving here shortly, but it is not possible to have lived twenty six years in a country without forming an affinity with the people.

But worrying about the state of affairs here, only added to my anxiety over the sale of this house.  I have learnt that too much reading and thinking and pondering was not conducive to a restful night, especially as panic tended to set in as soon as I get into bed.

I was reading too many articles and commentaries about leaving the European Union.    The articles and books also covered the political history for the past thirty years or so, and it was not positive reading.   But more than anything, the current inadequacy of the government, who are so out of their depth, is the most worrying.   The members of the cabinet and the parliament have differing opinions about leaving the EU and cannot arrive at a consensus.    And add to the mix are a few prominent right wingers who want to crash out of the EU, regardless of the economic disaster that will follow.

And to make matters worse every time our Prime Minister makes a statement it seems to compound the problems rather than resolve them.

However as I write this blog, there has been some consensus in the Brexit arrangements, although it would appear that the UK has had to make many concessions.   But there is an agreement, of sorts.  And the pound has risen in value because of it.

It has been difficult watching the events unfold in Salisbury during the past two weeks.   We have all felt alarmed at the type of nerve agent which was used on the father and his daughter, with a police officer being affected as well.  A worrying time for everyone, and especially for the people of Salisbury. 

Again one worries about the outcome for the United Kingdom, when many statements from cabinet ministers are inflammatory rather than constructive.    There is much at stake here,

I am being strong, and have stopped reading indepth political articles or books.   I must admit I still read the papers in the morning plus a quick look at lunchtime, but have stopped at that, no more obsessive reading of everything.    Walter is especially grateful as I no longer want to have indepth discussions about 'Brexit'. 

So I have downloaded books that are light hearted and easy to read or humorous.   I am currently reading books about outback travel in Australia which involve towing caravans.   Not that I am thinking of persuading Walter to do that. Rest easy there Walter.

I have also bought an adult dot to dot book, which is great for the eye sight and steadying the hand.   I do tend to try to finish each page quickly, in keeping with my competitive nature.   I must stop that too. 
 I have bought some organic 'sleep easy' tea bags which do not smell too much of 'cat pee' due to the main ingredients of chamomile and valerian.  Luckily the smell has been camouflaged by the addition of cinnamon. 

But I have decided not to cut out my morning coffee and evening glass of red wine.  Lets not get too driven by the need to reduce my anxiety levels. 

The good news is that I am sleeping very well, and am feeling so much more relaxed.

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