Sunday 25 November 2012


No more photos until I solve my web storage problem.   Apparently I have used up my 1 GB of free Picassa Web Storage.   So photos cannot be uploaded onto my blog until I purchase more space.  

Interestingly I did not know anything about this, until last night, when I tried to upload some photographs.   And then I found out about how much free web space a person is allowed for Picassa, emails and something else called Google Drive.  

I know about emails, of course, and the Picassa Web Storage keeps all my blog photographs together, and also downloads them onto my tablet, but the Google Drive is something new, to me, anyway.   And I am not sure that I entirely understand how it works, but I have downloaded it anyway, so our Microsoft files will be floating around somewhere.    I can never resist trying something new.

So all I have to do now is purchase some more web space for my blog photographs.    Easy, not expensive, and only one click of the button.    But I cannot do this.   I cancelled my Google card account about a year ago, due to unsuspecting grandchildren clicking the purchase button on my tablet, and hey presto, I had acquired extensions to an application, and a receipt for the cost.   It was a very devious scheme.    The application, that is, not the grandchildren.

So now I have to prove who I am, in order to start up another card account.    And it will take about five days.   However, it is comforting to know that security is now tight, but I also hope that there will be measures in place so that children cannot be tricked into ordering extensions to applications.  

And while I am writing about technology, I also reformatted my computer, due to the C Drive being full, and giving problems.     And so I saved everything possible, used all the relevant discs, reloaded everything back onto the computer, and lo and behold, my C Drive was still full.   But as I had removed so much rubbish from the computer, I easily solved the problem.   I had saved photographs and other material in both Drives, and when I deleted it all from the C Drive it is now back to where it should be, only on the D Drive    I congratulated myself on performing this feat.    And I learnt much about KBs, MBs, and GBs.    I can even remember the order they go in now.  

I love technology, but only if it works the way I want it to, which is does not of course.

1 comment:

  1. Having just a computer to store your files can be frustrating if your system crashes, making all the files in your hard drive hard to recover. The same goes with having an external drive because of accidents such as spills and the drive falling to the floor, damaging the drive. This is why online storage is so important. For me, I use a lot of online storage services. I even have paid for the services that I use, for I find it so reliable and trustworthy.
    - Ruby Badcoe
