Monday 24 November 2014

Sunshine. Hurray.

After a very frosty start this morning, there is now sunshine.  Weak sunshine, of course, but so much better than dark grey clouds and gloom.  Such a welcome sight.  Really lifts the spirit.

And Walter, after three days recovering from his BAHA surgery, was keen to face the world.  So we both went out and tackled a few jobs outside.  
Walter took four bags of tree cuttings to the recycling depot.  I had been collecting them during the past two weeks as I cleaned up the garden and cut a few shrubs back, a never ending job in the garden.

Then he scooped up all the excess soil from the area at the front where we put our bins on collection day, and managed to half fill one of the large potholes in the road.

Then I wiped all the windowsills down, which had turned green with all the damp warm air.  And finally I put compost on the rhubarb area.  Two stalks of rhubarb were starting to poke through the soil.  Not time yet, even though the weather has been mild.  
So now we are lounging in the conservatory, in a little bit of watery sunshine.  Much, much better.

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