Wednesday 1 June 2011

Back Home

Well, we are back home again, for a month anyway. The first task facing me on my return, was the garden. Luckily there had not been much rain so this meant less weeds. But the hedges and flowering shrubs had grown so it was out with the hedge trimmers. Luckily they are battery operated so I cannot do much harm to the plants, or me. In fact Scott was in charge of the trimmers, as he has a much better eye for straightness than me.
I am also preparing myself for plenty of fruit picking, and jam making. Actually I will leave the latter to Walter as he obviously has better skills than me, and I still remember the disasterous attempt at our combined effort when making the first batch of rhubarb jam.
One of the plum trees, which has a good crop of plums, will be really lovely as long as we get some rain to make them nice and juicy.
A good crop of potatoes in the bags, and the rhubarb is beginning to look like a rhubarb patch. Still not as lush as the patch at Emma and Steve's house.

The blackcurrant bushes are full of plump fruit, which will need to be picked soon. I top and tail them before Walter makes the jam but have been told this is unnecessary. It is a tiresome job!

The mole hills have now been flattened (by Walter). The moles have gone deep underground as it is so dry. I have half heartedly sprinkled grass seed on the bare earth, but experience tells me that once I water the bare patches the moles will come up from their subterranean tunnels and make new hills again. Persistent blighters!

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