More about the girls' school. Today I took them to school and was very impressed with the informality of the 'before school' routine. Parents took their children into the school, helped them with their coats and bags and talked informally to staff members. It was all very relaxed. I can remember the same routines when I first arrived in England. I think it is very sad for the parents and children in England, that this level of trust and openness is no more.
I was also interested to see that each child has a very large cotton bag in which they put their coats, hats and jumpers and other assorted bits and pieces. The cloak rooms are very tidy! Helps with 'bug' control too!
The children finish school at 11.30 each Wednesday, which is a great idea from a teachers point of view. All that time for organisation and staff meetings. As children start school at 8.30 a.m. and finish at 3.15 p.m. the extra 2 1/2 hours per week accounts for some of the time on Wednesday afternoons.
We also fell into the disorganised family category yesterday. Kylie turned up with the children to find the school closed for a teacher training day. Neither Aaron or Kylie had read the letter (which is still in Mia's desk drawer!) or had seen the notice on the school door. It is interesting to be Oma instead of the Headteacher complaining about parents who do not read important information.
Half of the shopping centre in Houten (with flats above). Looks a bit soul less but seems to work well for shopping. It has a great community feel about the place.
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